
Christmas Meal

The T.C.A.R.S. Christmas Party will be at the Sheraton Hotel again this year on Thursday 19th December at 7.30pm, the cost for the 3 course meal will be £26.95 per person.

A deposit of £10 is to be paid before 20th August with the balance paid before 5th December.

Last year was a resounding success and everybody agreed it was worth returning again this year, and great value for money and quality service.

For more details please see Barry M7TNK.


Saturday 24th August 2024

TCARS will be operating from Wyre Estuary Country Park as GB0WEP on the 24th August 2024 as part of the British Inland Waterways On The Air Event. The aim of the event is to bring together Radio Amateurs who regularly use the waterways to celebrate their hobby and raise awareness of the UK waterways.

We will be active on HF (40m, 20m) & 2m. This will be a great event, a special event station as well as a social meeting so lets hope we have good weather! 

The location is Wyre Estuary Country Park, River Road, Thornton-Cleveleys, FY5 5LR.

QRZ Page:

Time TBC

VHF Field Day 2024 Results

Well what a weekend!

Thank you to everyone who took part, those that came to help set up and take down the stations, those that operated, those that logged and all those who called in to support our club. 

Some snippets of information for you all from the 119 QSO's:

  • On 2m the best DX was F1FPL in JN09LE at 583 Km, in 90 qso's we worked 8 countries and 18 large squares for a total of 17,528 points.
  • On 6m the best DX was G5LK/P in JO01QD at 417 Km, in 19 qso's we worked 3 countries and 12 large squares for a total of 3,949 points.
  • On 4m the best DX was GFBB/P in JO01LD at 398 Km, in 10 qso's we worked 3 countries and 8 large squares for a total of 1,922 points.

The 4m station was shut down early because of a lack of activity!


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Getting ready for the contest

Friday 5th July 24

The second tower has been fitted with the 6m & 4m antennas. The 4m antenna was tuned, tested, retuned, tested and retuned again, with the tower winches getting a decent workout. The cables have been secured above donkey height and we're ready for tomorrow. The contest starts at 3pm (local) and people will be on site from 1.30pm.

It would be lovely to see as many members as possible come to support the club, take part in your first contest or even if you're just curious to see what happens. If you need directions just get in touch.  

Working Party 25/6/24

On Tuesday 25th June we held a very succesfull working party at the farm in preparation for VHF Field day on the 6/7th July.

It was brilliant to see so many members, new and old, helping out. Everyone was kept busy and we managed to complete almost all of the tasks. 

The tower motor controller was replaced, the second tower cleaned and repaired, 6m and 4m antenna were tested, a problem was discovered with the antenna rotator on the second tower so that was swapped out. The caravan was cleaned, the floor by the door was replaced and the generator was serviced and fired up. 

  • Working Hard
  • Re wiring the tower motor
  • Mast
  • It'll be higher for the contest!
  • Getting Ready

    TCARS has a new D-Star Reflector

    Please change your hotspots to use XLX925C. 

    GB7FC is linked to XLX925C so let's make full use of this facility.

    XLX925C is kindly hosted by Rickie Bamber MI5DAW in Belfast, Rickie has been very active in internet linking repeaters and reflectors for many years. He was instrumental in setting up and linking CQUK (back in the day) the original multi mode network, he has kindly offered to host TCARS reflector.
     XLX925C accepts Terminal Mode Connections from compatible radios, a great way to connect from an IC-705 or 9700

    The dashboard can be found by clicking here or by typing into your browser. 

    The dashboard (where you will see last heard information) shows all activity on the reflector, TCARS is connected to the "C" module. 

    Help Wanted - Working Party @ The Farm 25/06/24

    A working party has been arranged, starting at 2 o’clock,  on Tuesday 25th June at the farm for maintenance of the club’s equipment stored there.

    This will be a great opportunity to meet up with fellow club members and lend a hand to keep the club's equipment in good condition. You don't need to be a technical wizard or a diy hero to come and help!!

    If you need directions or anymore information, just get in touch.

    p.s. The grass is long and wet so suitable footwear is advisable!

    Practical Wireless 144MHz QRP Contest Update

    Hot off the press! 

    On Sunday 9th June TCARS entered the PW 144MHz QRP Contest.

    Restricted to only 5w on the 2m band the contesters managed 35 QSO's the best DX was G4GFI/P in JO01bb an impressive distance of 371KM (196.9 miles). 

    Thanks to everyone who came down to help set up, run the contest and pack away.

    We will be at "The Farm" on 6/7th July for the VHF National Field Day. 

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      08/06/24 144MHz Contest Preparation

      On Saturday 8th June, a working party heading down to "The Farm" to set up the antennas for the 144Mhz QRP Contest. 

      After the grass had been strimmed and coax cables unearthed we set about erecting the clubs trailer mast. On discovering a problem with the motor relay box or the remote control some cobbling Heath Robinson would be proud of got the tower up in the air. 

      A quick test of the station and a strong signal recieved from the VHF Beacon in Kent bodes well for tomorrow. Hopefully there will be many contacts made.

      144MHz QRP Contest

      The 36th annual Practical Wireless 144 MHz QRP Contest will take place on Sunday 9th June 2024 from 0900 - 1600 UTC

      TCARS will be taking part this year and we need your help! 

      We will be operating from our contest station in Great Eccleston (Contact us if you need directions)

      We will be setting up in the afternoon on Saturday 8th June, if you can spare a few hours over the weekend to help or are interested in taking part in your first contest we would love to see you down there.

      GB0FLB Special Event QSL Request

      Should anyone still require a QSL card emailing please send an email with your callsign and the  time & frequency you worked GB0FLB to. [email protected]

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          GB0FLB Special Event Station

          Over the weekend of the 4th & 5th May 24, TCARS ran a special event station from Fleetwood Lifeboat Station. GB0FLB was active across HF and VHF with 90 contacts made. On the Sunday the station generated lots of interest from the public and it was lovely to see so many club members turn up to help out. 

          The New Committee

          The new committee is as follows

          Chairman Ted Avery G3WBB

          Vice Chairman Keith Missenden M0IHN

          Treasurer Donald Mobbs G4MEE

          Secretary Vacant

          Committee Mark Scott 2E0EOY

          Committee Dave Ward G8KBH

          Committee Dave Mangnall G8SNR

          NARSA Rally 2023

          Chairman Derek and Vice Chairman Barry, showing the stand of the day trophy.

          Club Wins Stand Of The Day

          The club won the stand of the day at the NARSA Rally 2023.